Legends and chronicles
The Buddha's three visits to Sri Lanka
in the traditional legends of sri Lanka. the Buddha made three visits to the island in the course of his life. the Pali canonical texts however, make no mention of three visits. according to the legends,the Buddha made these visits because he for saw the decline of his teachings in India and wished to see it survive and flourish in Sri Lanka.
he Buddha made his first trip nine months after his enlightenment,arriving in a place called Mahiyangana.during this visit,the supernatural beings inhabiting the island known as the yaksas, raksas and nagas,embraced Buddhism after witnessing the psychic powers of the Buddha. he thus prepared Sri Lanka to receive the Dhamma and eventually become its protector.
five years later, the Buddha saw that a war between two naga kings called culodara and mahodara was imminent because of their quarrel over a jewelled throne.the buddha travelled again to the island to mediate in this dispute.out of respect and devotion for the buddha,the two kings gave up the throne to a third naga king called Maniakkhika of Kelaniya
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